Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 8 + Task 8

The lecture today is about being a "Digital Citizen". The lecturer covered two main themes the Internet censorship and File-sharing. There is a new plan proposed by the government called " the clean feed " which is to filter the internet and the government will decide the good and the bad sites. Therefore the topic of censorship raised to know if its good or bad for us.

Firstly, Internet censorship is a plan used to clean the internet and protect the copy righted content from illegal download. This law was used in democratic and undemocratic countries such as UK, China and Iran. However, the plan in democratic countries is optional.

Secondly, File-sharing is about the protection copy-right. This concept was lost few years ago however, the Internet going to implement strategies that protect the copy right and fight the illegal file sharing.

Task 8

How does it make you feel?

It was incredibly new experience for me. I have always though poetry is art but looking at his creation it gave me new perspective on poetry. However, I was less than impress by his work. I didn’t feel very comfortable looking and hearing some of his work. It was very confusing and it didn’t give me good feeling that I have after reading poetry.

What does it makes you think about?

I don’t think it has positive impression on readers as it didn’t have rhythm of creativeness of poetry. I think some people might feel interested in this type of alternative art. However, I don’t think it is likely to be popular because such poetry does not require any form of art; it can be recorded by anyone anytime.

What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?

It uses variety of media forms such as videos, audios, animation and flash objects and colourful backgrounds.

If we accept that Jason's workers poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?

I would not accept Jason’s work as poetry, however it is a good expression of personal emotions. It is very easy to understand and read. Because it has visuals and audio, which conveys some messages it is very easy to understand.

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