Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 10 + Task 10

Today was the last lecture, It was a bout the media ecology and it was very informative and it was Adam field of study. Media ecology is a school of thought that considers how communication technologies become part of society. it looks at the media as invisible environment. There are two founding fathers who wrote a lot about the media ecology Marshall Mcluhan and Neil Postman. Mcluhan came up with the theories such as media as extensions of man and the idea of tetrad of media. He focused on the Media as channels of communication. On the other hand, Postman interested in the Technology and the Media. He stated that Technologies are just techniques used by people. when those techniques are used for social and cultural purposes they become Media.

the other section of the lecture was a summary of the course. Adam recapped the content of the subject in brief.

Task 10

First media tetrad: Old medium of communication Radio

Radio has always been crucial part of entertainment and news broadcasting since its invention. As a medium of communication it has provided voice to new, music and live broadcasting of events. The made other form of media such as new paper and magazine less popular when it was introduced. It retrieved a lot of technology from transmission of signals. Radio is the transmission of signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves. Radio as a medium of communication is reinventing itself by means of new technologies such as digital and satellite radio.

Second tetrad: Contemporary medium of communication: Mobile phone

Mobile phones have provided us great deal of freedom to communicate. The function of contemporary mobile phone goes beyond our imagination since its invention. It can take photos, work as GPS and personal assistant. It has made old technology such as corded phone and walky-talky obsolete. It retrieves a great amount of technology from its predecessor such as cordless phones and walky-talky. As it is pushed to its extreme mobile phone manufacturers are trying to provide much more efficient technology to improve reception and functionality of mobile phone.

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